Early Start, Busy Day
This morning, I woke up at 6:40. We had a busy day; so, we had to get started early. We ate breakfast at 7:15 and left the house by 7:30. Bro. Ruckman and I went to pick up Bro. Kenny; then, we picked up a few other folks. We took everyone to the church that…
Third Full Week in Ghana
I woke up this morning at 7:30. We ate breakfast and started another busy day. We planned to do some shopping for the week. We had several stops throughout the day. We started off by going to the mall. We got a few things there, then headed to the next grocery store. We were able…
Fante Class, Bible Class, and A Storm
This morning, I woke up at 7:20. We ate breakfast around 8:00 A.M. After breakfast, I started studying for my Fante lessons and my Bible Institute classes. I was able to get a lot of studying in; so, when Fante class came around, I was able to do a little better than usual. Fante Class…
A Day Full of Relaxation
This morning, I woke up at 7:05. We ate breakfast around eight in the morning. We did not have any plans for the morning; so, I worked on some stuff on my computer. We had lunch around 12:30 in the afternoon. After lunch, Bro. Ruckman and I picked up a couple who is from Texas.…
Sunday #3 in the Books
I started off the day a little later than I would have liked to. I woke up at 7:40 A.M., read my Bible, ate breakfast, then got ready for church. We left the house at 8:40 A.M. When we got to church, there were people everywhere, as usual. I think this is the first Sunday…
Day #3 of Bible Institute.
I woke up this morning at 7:20. I went downstairs, had breakfast, and started studying over my Bible Institute materials. We left the house around 10:15 A.M. When we got to the church, just about everything was set up; all we had to do was get the coffee going. I do not drink coffee, but…
Laid Back Morning, Busy Afternoon
Today, I woke up at 7:30. We did not have anything planned for the morning; so, I ate breakfast. After breakfast, I used the time I had to study for my Bible Institute classes. We will most likely be having quizzes, and I’m not really sure how they do quizzes. PLEASE PRAY that everything I…
Fante Class and Evangelism
Today, I woke up at 7:30 A.M. I had set alarms for 6:50, but I turned them off and went right back to sleep. It is a good thing today was not as busy, or I would have gotten up late. After I had gotten up, I read my Bible, and I was ready for…
Loading a Transport and Doing Some Shopping
Today marks the beginning of my third full week in Ghana, while yesterday marked my first full week without my parents and siblings. I started off the morning by waking up at 6:50. I did a few things in my room and came down for breakfast. Bro. Ruckman had prepared a egg and cheese sandwich.…
The Start of a Busy Week
Last night, before going to bed, I asked Bro. Ruckman what time we were getting started in the morning. He proceeded to send a very long text of all the days activities and what time each activity would be starting:). The good thing is, we did not have to start early. I woke up around…