I woke up around 6:30 this morning. I had woken up a little early because I thought we would be leaving the house early to go to the market, but they had decided not to go to the market. It was good that I woke up early because it started a good day for me. My morning was very profitable. I was able to try to set up a phone; I ran a mile; I did some exercises, set up for the Bible club, and I studied for my quizzes tomorrow.
We ate lunch around 1:00 P.M. After lunch, I was able to rest for a while. After my rest, I did a few things around the house until it was time for Bible Club. I was able to lead the singing again this week, and I will most likely be teaching the class next week. After the Bible Club, we sat down and had a nice meal. After dinner, Bro. Ruckman took a quick power nap while I rested in my room.

After our rest, we got ready and went to the church for evangelism. I have never been evangelizing after sunset, but it was definitely a new experience. We had about fifteen people with us; most of them were under the age of thirteen. 🙂 We evangelized for about an hour and a half, then headed back to the church. Once we got to the church, we had a quick prayer, and then everyone went their separate ways.

I am now in my room getting ready to go to sleep. It has been a long day, but tomorrow will probably be a longer day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better than last week. PLEASE PRAY that I will do better on my quizzes tomorrow.
Evangelism from Bro. Ruckman’s perspective (borrowed from his Facebook post)
What a day! Bible Institute preparation all day followed by Bible club at 5 PM. Then we had Friday night evangelism and what a night. We had six adults and a whole pile of kiddos. We hit the main road of our village and got to pass out a loooootttttt of John and Romans and Chick Tracts. Invited a whole lot of folks to church and tried conversing as much as we could in Fante. Let’s just say we still have a long ways to go in the Fante.
Oh but if you could have been with us… let me help you imagine:
Imagine sending a bunch of really little children home who are begging to go on visitation. Then imagine walking in the dark trying to avoid the drainage ditch surrounded by 15 zealous young church members between the ages of 7 and 13 who all want to stay with Safo (pastor) and Safomaame (Angie). So you already can’t hear yourself thinking. And then imagine meeting people constantly who either approach you to see what you are giving out or who are shouting in Fante: “Obruni”: White man. And then when you greet them in Fante, they get so excited because you are trying to speak their dialect. Amid the attempt to speak in Fante, and invite them to church, there are little storefront churches everywhere that are so loud… singing, drumming, and speaking in tongues, that you again can’t hear yourself think. O and it is lightly raining by the way. And little children are trying to take all the gospel tracts they can from you. And adults are begging for money. And your church children are pulling on your arm, hitting you on the leg, and either asking for more tracts or upset because other children on the street whom they know are taking more than one tract. And don’t forget the cars that are trying to pass you and a multitude of others who are blocking the road as you evangelize between the two drainage ditches. And then, imagine having a drunk man drive up and tell you he wants to come to church because he is a drunk and needs help… and then as you begin walking back to the church with these little church boys, they begin telling you how dirty and filthy all those little kids are who were hugging you and holding onto you, and they tell you that you had better bathe when you get home.
And they are telling you because they love their obruni pastor and they don’t want him getting a disease. And then one of them begins telling you that one day when you are old, he will be teaching about Jesus Christ and the other ones assure you that they will be there to help you walk and keep witnessing when you get old… These are my people…these are my heart…these are my children. I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to serve Him in this place and with these dear people.
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3 responses to “Another Friday in the Books”
Busy day! Glad you are doing well. Clarice and Andrew both had headaches earlier. They are feeling ok now. We did go swimming for about an hour. I think we will take Lori and kids home on Monday. We will be praying for good reports on your quizzes. Love you!
Loved the visual images! Sounds like you’ve gotten into the swing of things. We read about your day and pray for you every night at bedtime.
Thank you!!!