We did not have anything planned for the morning; so, I slept in a little. Then, I read my Bible and get ready for the day.
When I went downstairs, Mrs. Angie made a runny egg with some corned beef and potatoes. It was delicious. Once I had finished breakfast, we all sat in the living room and played a game for a few hours. We have all taken a great liking to the game “Cover Your Assets.” It may sound a little weird, but it is actually a very fun game.
We played the game until 11:45 A.M. or so; then, we headed out for lunch. We went out for brick oven pizza, which was delicious. I got a calizone with a very runny egg in the middle. The runny egg added so much great flavor to the pizza. We were able to have lunch with two other missionary families, the Stephen Knickerbocker family and the Dallas Brown family. It was very fun to get to enjoy some time with them.

While we ate, Issac, Caleb, Bro. Dallas and I played a round of Risk on a phone. The game went on for over an hour. There was one point where I thought for certain I was going to be wiped off the board, but I was able to hold my ground, and I ended up getting second place.
Once we had finished lunch and said our goodbyes, we went for ice cream. I got a waffle cone with two scoops of chocolate ice cream. I enjoyed everything, although I knew it would catch up to me later in the day.

When we got home from our afternoon adventures, it was 4:00 P.M. I thought about playing a game with everyone, but I knew if I did not take a nap, I would be sleeping in church. So I decided to take a nap rather than play a game. Then, I got ready for church. We left the house at 6:40 P.M. for church. Bro. Ruckman preached another great message. I think he has preached sixteen times in the last week. Before we came to Burkina, I may have preached five times in my life, but I have definitely added to my experience with close to ten sermons now.
About five minutes before the service ended, the afternoon’s meal caught up to me. For some reason, I seem to have problems with greasy foods. I have told my mom, and she said that may be a sign of my gallbladder having problems. My mom, grandpa, and sister have all had their gallbladder removed; so, please pray that I am not next on the list. (Especially while I am in Africa. 😬)
We are now sitting outside the church. Some of the men from the church are asking missions questions to Bro. Ruckman while we drink African tea. I do not think I am going to drink any because Bro. Keith said they add peanuts to their tea, but I may try some with no peanuts. So while they are talking about missions, I am listening while typing the blog on my phone. I figured I should do it now or else I would be typing the blog after 11:00 P.M.

When we get home, I am not sure what the plans are. I think I am going to go to bed without supper, as I have eaten a lot of food this week. We may play a game, but I am not sure.
Tomorrow, we are going to see some crocodiles. I think we are planning on feeding them a goat, if I have heard correctly. Well, this has been a long blog, but I had the time to type; so, I think this is all.
6 responses to “A Day of Fun”
I’m so sorry that your stomach is acting up on you. I will definitely be praying for you get to feeling better.
Your right- Greasy Foods can make a stomach and gallbladder act up.
Take it easy Buddy. God Bless.
It is good to hear of your time. I think it’s the eggs. Only bc I gag at the thought of runny eggs. Seriously, hope it is not gall bladder, that’s no fun anywhere. Especially there. Praying for you and friends and all the activities you have planned.
pore goat.
You’ve had another very interesting day. So glad you are documenting it. Thanks for sharing. Yes, we will be praying for your gallbladder to work at least until you get back home. Focus on feeling great. Let our Lord focus on your gallbladder. We love you!
It’s fun to read what you are doing while your there! It is so good that you are writing them down because one day your going to be older and things fade out of your mind lol this will be a joy to look back on remember more vividly! 🙏🏻 for zero gallbladder problems and that you stay healthy & happy!
Hey sweetheart, Kyndee was looking out the bay window & saw a young, thin blond headed man. She ran to the back room telling me “My Gilley is home, my Gilley! Bless her heart!
I’m so glad you were able to spend this time with the Ruckman’s; & I know your time preaching there will help you to either start other churches or begin one..
Tell them your ole Aunt Lu says, Careful, those fun games can be addictive 😳😳. Love you, Son!