Visiting Church Building Projects and Resting at the House

This morning, after waking up and getting ready, we had breakfast. Not long after breakfast, we headed out with Bro. Ruckman to see the building projects in Kojokrom and Shama. While we were in Shama, we got to visit with Pastor Augustine and his family.

I was very glad to get back to the house for some lunch after riding around on very bumpy roads all morning. After we had lunch, Dad and I watched a movie in the living room.

After a good afternoon, we had supper and then got ready for church. Dad preached tonight, and Pastor Prince was able to bring his church over to ours for the service. (It is sad to think this is the last time I will see him on this trip in Ghana; come to think of it, I have seen many of the pastors for the last time on this trip.)

After church, the kids did their best to wear me out by wrestling and beating me. I held my own pretty good though. 😂😂

We are now back at the house. I have just gotten cleaned up and am about to head to bed. I cannot wait to see what our day will be like tomorrow.

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