Today marks the end of my fourth week here in Ghana. Four weeks ago today, we had just landed in Ghana and were getting our bags to come to the Ruckmans’ house. Tomorrow starts my fifth full week here in Ghana. At times, time seems to fly; but other times, it feels like time has stopped and that this year will never be over. Those times that feel never ending usually occur when I am studying for Bible Institute or when we are not doing anything at all during the day. There are not many times when we are not doing anything. ๐
Today I woke up at 7:15 A.M. I am starting to get myself back into the schedule of waking up early. When I get an earlier start, my days feel much more productive. I came down for breakfast at 8:00 A.M. Bro. Ruckman had breakfast ready because we needed to leave by 8:10 to go pick up Bro. Kenney. After we picked up Bro. Kenney, we drove to the Kojokrom church building that is being built. Bro. Kenney will be the pastor at this church once it is operational. Bro. Kenney was happy to see the site plans; he was able to see his future church via drawings. While we were at the work site, time got away from us, and we were almost late to Fante class.

When we got home, I had about five minutes before my Fante lesson started. I was able to get a good twenty minute lesson in before the others joined. I still have a long way to go, but I think I am really starting to catch on. So far, Fante has been much easier to learn than the other language I have tried to learn. I think it may be that I am willing to learn now. When I was in high school, I did not have the will to learn Spanish. I deeply regret that decision now. I could have been trilingual. ๐ The teacher has complemented me on how fast of a learner I am; and for those who know me well, they will know once I put my mind to do something, I can learn really fast.
After Fante lessons, we ate a quick lunch then hurried to the church. We started our Tuesday Bible Institute classes at 1:30 P.M. We have four classes on Tuesdays and five classes on Saturdays. All the classes went well; and after we were done, we headed home.
Mrs. Ruckman had freshly grilled tuna along with fried rice. I was eating the tuna so slowly that Mrs. Ruckman thought I did not like it; but I told her I actually loved it, and I was taking my time to savor every bite. After supper, Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman prepared for their two marriage counseling sessions. Just to be clear, they are not the couple getting the counseling. ๐ We have been having a lot of fun, and I enjoy watching Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman tease each other.
Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman are currently in a marriage counseling session with a couple who is getting married in two and a half weeks. After this session, they will be counseling a couple that is getting married much sooner. This second couple is the couple I have asked you to pray for. Please continue to pray, as the lady is still not saved.
I do not know what my plans are for the rest of the evening. I will probably do some studying, take my shower, and watch something. We have two transports we are loading bright and early tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and the kind and encouraging comments. Please continue praying for us. Thank you!!!
2 responses to “The End of My Fourth Week in Ghana”
I’m so glad you’ve learned to enjoy learning a language. It is so very rewarding. I know from experience that the second one comes much easier and the third easier still. You did learn something in Spanish class. You learned how to learn another language and that was not a waste. I’ll still be willing to teach you if you ever decide you want to speak Spanish. ๐