First Sunday with the Ruckmans Back

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. Once I had gotten up, I made some cereal for breakfast. After breakfast, I got ready for church. Bro. Ruckman drove me down to Mpatado to ride with the kids to church. While on our way down there, we saw the tro-tro driving by. We were able to flag them down, and I was able to get a ride to church with the kids. Mrs. Angie did not sleep well last night, and Bro. Ruckman thought it best for her to stay home. The kids really missed her.

We had great services. After the service, I waited for Bro. Ruckman; then, we went home. Once we got home, I changed out of my soaked church clothes. After changing into some comfortable clothes, we all sat down for a delicious meal which Mrs. Angie had prepared. We had pot roast and biscuits. Everything tasted great!!! After lunch, I played the Wii for a little while before going up to my room for a much needed nap. I was able to get a good nap in before getting up and getting ready for church. I was able to get a taxi ride to church for choir practice.

We had a great practice and a great service. Some of the guys and I were able to surprise the Ruckmans with a song we have been getting ready for the last few weeks. Bro. Ruckman preached a great salvation message. After the service, I got the ladder out and got the remaining Christmas decorations down. 😂

Once we left the church and had gotten home. Mrs. Angie prepared a simple but delicious meal. We had chicken patties and French fries. We are now watching a show; then, we will be off to bed, or at least, I will. The Ruckmans are still recovering from jet lag.

One response to “First Sunday with the Ruckmans Back”

  1. What a great Sunday! I’m still not feeling good. I don’t want anyone to get this so I stayed home. Glad the Ruckmans are home. Love you! Praying!