Day #220

This morning, I woke up to the power being on at 6:30. The power was out all night; so, it was nice to enjoy a little bit of ac before leaving my room for the day. After I read my Bible, I headed downstairs and had some cereal for breakfast. After breakfast, I headed back up to my room.

The Ruckmans did not have any plans until after lunch; so, we all just relaxed for the morning. After lunch, I rested for a bit longer before Bro. Ruckman took me to the church. Once we got to the church, I got all the weed eating done on the property. Then, I played soccer for two or three hours with all the kids. After practice, we had a short Bible study; then, I headed home.

Once we got home, we had supper and dessert; then, I headed up to my room for the evening. I was able to talk with Mom and Bonnie. Bonnie still is not able to talk since her tonsillectomy; so, I just did my best to make her smile. I am looking forward to hearing her voice again.