Another Day of Bible Institute Saturday, April 6

This morning, I woke up, got ready, and started studying. After I studied for a while, I went downstairs. Not much was going on; so, I did some more studying. We went to the church for classes.

We had a pretty good day at Bible Institute, but I did have a few things not go my way. I did not do the greatest on some of the quizzes, and I also preached in Homiletics class and that did not go the best that it could have. All in all, it was a mostly good day. After Bible Institute, I got a ride home. Once I got back to the house, I changed clothes and then went back to the church for soccer practice.

We had a really good practice, and I am starting to improve a little. After everything was over, I headed back to the house. The Ruckmans went on a date; so, I had leftovers, which were very good. I was also able to talk to my brother and sister for a bit before getting a shower and heading to bed. I am now about to go to sleep.

One response to “Another Day of Bible Institute Saturday, April 6”

  1. What a day! Next time you will do better. Love hearing from you. Lots of love and we are praying for you!