Last Day of Ocean Fun

This morning, I woke up at 5:50 A.M. to get pictures of the sunrise. Unfortunately, when sunrise came around, there were too many clouds, and I was not able to get maybe pictures of the sun rising. After I had attempted to get pictures of the sunrise, Dad and I headed over and ate breakfast.

After breakfast, we talked with the Ruckmans and the Harrisons. Then, we messed around with my drone for a bit. Dad and I then went back to the restaurant to fellowship while the other missionaries had their breakfast. Once everyone was finished, some went swimming while others stayed in their room and fellowshipped. Dad and I sat beside the pool and talked with the others who were in the pool.

After everyone was done swimming, Dad and I headed down the beach to order burritos for the Ruckmans and us, while everyone else got showered up and packed up. Once Dad and I got back with the food, we headed back to the room to get our stuff and load it up. Once we were loaded up, we paid for our room and meals, and we were off.

We had a good drive back, and there was little to no traffic. When we got back into town, we were able to go to the vet to get some stuff for the dog. While we were at the vet, I saw some wild monkeys for the first time in the last year. I was able to take a few pictures.

From the vet, we headed back to the house. Once home, we fellowshipped, and I showed Dad some of the pictures and videos I have been able to get in the last year. It is crazy how much can be done in a year.

After we had a delicious meal and had gotten the dishes done, we watched a show for a while before we all parted ways for the evening. I have just gotten cleaned up and am about to go to bed. We have an earlyish start tomorrow.

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