Day #138

This morning, I went downstairs to see what the day’s plans were. The Ruckmans had planned to go to a doctor’s appointment with a family whose little boy is very sick. They left the house around 9:50 A.M. for the appointments, etc.

I stayed at home because I knew I would have been sitting in the office or the truck for a very long time. I was right; the Ruckmans did not get back until after 1:00 P.M. Once they got home, we ate a quick lunch; then, we went out to do some shopping.

We were out for most of the afternoon. We had a good time. Once we got home, I snacked on some pizza that Bro. Ruckman bought for supper. I had a progressive supper; so, at supper time I did not eat much. After supper, we sat down in the living room to watch a tv show. A few minutes after we started, the neighbor girls came over for a visit. The older of the two had her birthday two days ago, but she finally made it over today to celebrate with us. She had made her own birthday cake and was very kind and shared it with us. She is a very talented baker, and everything tasted delicious.

Once we had eaten the cake, we played a few rounds of Jenga. This game is very fun to play, especially with the African kids. After we had played the game, we said farewell and then finished watching our tv show. Once we had finished that, we parted ways for the evening.

I am currently talking to mom while I finish up the blog. Once I am done, I will be getting cleaned up and heading to bed. Well, I guess that is all for the day. Tomorrow morning, the Ruckmans will be flying with the family with the sick boy to Accra. Please pray that everything goes well and that the doctors will have some answers for the young boy. His name is Boris. He is five years old.

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