House Work and Church 

This morning, I again woke up later than usual. I got ready for the day and went downstairs. I started on some of the jobs Bro. Ruckman wanted me to do around the house. I started with organizing the garage; then, I changed the water filters. By the time I was done with these tasks, I was very hot; so, I cooled off until lunch time. 

After lunch, I took a thirty minute nap and then continued the jobs. I changed a few lightbulbs and then trimmed some of the bushes around the house. After this, I went back up to my room to cool off and work on a computer project for a while. 

Once supper time came along, we all sat around the table to enjoy corned beef and potatoes. After supper, we all got ready for church. 

We had a great service this evening. After the service, the Ruckmans fellowshipped with some of the older people from the church while I played American football with some of the kids. They do not really get the idea; so, they end up kicking the ball around instead of throwing it. After a good while of playing at the church, we left at 9:20 P.M. 

When we got back to the house, we all looked at some of Bro. Ruckman’s old pictures while we ate some dessert. Once we had finished, I called my mom and siblings for a little while, then got ready to take a shower. After my shower, I will be heading to bed.  We have Fante class in the morning; so, I am looking forward to a good night’s rest. 

4 responses to “House Work and Church ”

  1. Sounds wonderful! We all need to take time to clean up and organize. We worked on our planners today. Punky printed some stickers for each of us. I love doing that. Now we are getting ready to go to church. Have a good sleep. Love you.

  2. Every game in Ghana turns into soccer! LOL! I think they could turn hide and seek into a good match!

  3. I read the blogs every day but had not been commenting. My computer says I am dad when I try to comment. So, I figured out how I can comment under my name now.