Work Around the House

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. After getting up, I read my Bible, got ready, and went downstairs. I was still not hungry; so, I did not have much of a breakfast. I did eat a banana.

After breakfast, Bro. Ruckman gave Prince and I a job. We had just started when Prince had to go for his English lesson with Mrs. Angie. So while he had his English lesson, I dug five twenty inch holes. It was hard work, especially in the hard dirt and hot weather. I poured water in the holes and that helped soften up the dirt, but there was not much I could do about the hot weather. I finished after a couple hours.

When I finished, I went inside and got a cool bath to bring my body temperature back down. I think I was on the verge of getting too hot. After a bath and some rest, I felt fine again. For lunch, Mrs. Angie made fried bologna sandwiches, which were very good. Once we had finished lunch, I headed back up to my room to get a nap. After a good nap, Bro. Ruckman had another project for Prince and me. Our project was to clean up all the trash in front of our compound. People don’t really care where they put their trash; so, they throw it into the bush and leave it for someone like Prince and me to pick it up.

It only took about thirty minutes to get everything picked up and tidied up. From there, there was not much left to do for the day. We had supper and parted ways for the evening. The power had just gone out. It was off for seven hours yesterday; so, hopefully we don’t have a repeat performance.

One response to “Work Around the House”

  1. Wow! We ate a banana for breakfast too! Glad you know what to do when you get too hot! But wok must go on! We are praying for you. Love you!