Underseas Cable Damage

From Laura Consford: Underseas cable damage has caused an internet outage in Africa. We probably won’t hear from Gilbert today, or maybe for awhile. Bro. James Ruckman was able to post the following, which explains their situation.

From James Ruckman’s Facebook page: Interesting day. Started with a traditional wedding (which was awesome). Thankful for young folks who love God and are doing things right. Thanking God the electric stayed on for that. Then the whole city went into “dumsor”again (this time for six hours). No electric.

The wifi at our house isn’t working at all today even when the electric is on.

And today, our phone and cellular network has been knocked off grid in the whole country supposedly due to a cable in international waters being accidentally cut (assuming an oil or gas project).

So we spent the afternoon with a group of young men from our church helping with preparations (hauling tables and chairs and cleaning the church yard at another church) for the church wedding on Saturday. Came back home and the downstairs power is in “low power”. The upstairs is in low power but not as bad.

Had the electrician come yesterday to fix a fan in my office and it worked for one hour and quit again. The internet guys spent four hours here two days ago and then internet worked sporadically for a day.

Not complaining at all but I am explaining to myself out loud that if on some days we don’t seem to get anything done, this is why… 😊😊😊

And if you’re wondering how I can post this, I am wondering the same thing. Facebook is working very slowly and sporadically on Angie’s and my phone but nothing else is… weird.

One response to “Underseas Cable Damage”

  1. Peolpe often asked me what we got accomplished in 4 years on the mission field. My answer was always, “About what you got accomplished in one year in America.”
    Things in Africa can get very weird very quickly. I love missions!