This morning, I woke up at 8:00. I read my Bible, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day. Once we were all ready, we left the house around 9:30 A.M. The wedding did not start exactly when it was supposed to, but we did not have to wait an hour or two before we started.

I again was able to take pictures throughout the entire wedding. I did have to stand longer than I would have liked to, but I really enjoyed seeing the wedding from a photographer’s perspective. After the wedding ceremony was over, they did pictures, the cutting of the cake, then we ate lunch. The pastors and their wives all got to eat in a separate room. I was not invited; so, I ate with some of my friends from our church. All of my friends are starting to feel like family. I am really enjoying my time here.

After we had eaten lunch, we loaded a few things up, then headed home. When we got home, I immediately got out of my hot, sweaty clothes and rested. I should have taken a shower first, but I was too tired. These hot, humid days will drain you quickly.
After my nap, I called my mom and my brother and sister. I got to talk to them for a while; we had a good time. After I had talked to them, I went downstairs. We all had leftovers for supper. Everything was very good. Once we had finished supper, Bro. Ruckman and I watched something for a little bit. A shower and sleep will be the next things on my agenda.
One response to “Third Wedding in Two Weeks!!!”
What you said about your friends really tugged at my heart strings and made me tear up. Those people will hold one of the dearest places in your heart for the rest of your life. Some of my very sweetest memories of some of the most precious friends I’ve ever had are in Mexico and Germany.