The First Fante Lesson

August 24, 2023

This is Gilbert. I’m going to take over the blogging to get into the habit of doing it daily.

We started off the day getting up a little late, due to the jet lag we are still experiencing. We ate a good breakfast with banana bread and fresh cut pineapple. I had my first Fante class; I only remember a few words, but the teacher was amazed at how well I could read. Of course, I had no idea what I was reading; but, hey, at least I was pronouncing the words correctly. Everyone else has been taking the class for six months or so, and they said I already sounded like a native. I took a lot of notes. I still have a lot to learn.

Mrs. Martha Amoah is our teacher. Her husband pastors a church in Shama. She brought her son, James (JR), with her today. Danny and Bonnie had fun entertaining him during the Fante lesson. Dad and Mom enjoyed sitting in on the lesson and added some insight here and there.

After Fante class, we left the house to run some errands. We ate lunch at the local KFC; the food was very good. Bro. Ruckman, Dad, Danny, and I went to the local airport to buy tickets for Dad, Mom, Danny, and Bonnie to fly back to Accra when they leave next week. They decided they would rather pay a little extra for a twenty minute flight than drive six hours back to Accra. 🙂 While we bought tickets, Mrs. Ruckman, Mom, and Bonnie went shopping for material to get some clothes made.

Then, we all met at Melcom. When we lived in Ghana years ago, there was a small Melcom with very crowded aisles. There is now a big two-story Melcom with nice wide aisles. The store was so organized and neat. It has a wide variety of things from furniture to groceries.

After we finished buying a few things, we went home and took a rest before eating an extremely good meal, prepared by Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman. Once we had finished supper, we played a round of Ticket to Ride. Danny won; I got fourth place. 🙁 Now it is off to get cleaned up before going to bed. Hopefully, I can get to sleep before 1:00 A.M.

2 responses to “The First Fante Lesson”

  1. That certainly is a full day of adventures. Prayers you all get some much needed sleep. Look forward to reading your future blogs.