This morning, I woke up, read my Bible, and got ready for the day. Once I had finished, I went down to find oatmeal ready on the stove. I peeled a banana to add a little flavor to my oatmeal.
Once I had finished breakfast, I got some pictures ready for Bro. Ruckman, did a little studying, and relaxed. I woke up feeling much better today. I still have a bit of a runny nose, but I think I am finally catching up with it. 🙂 (I hope you got my joke.)

Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman went to the doctor for a checkup; then, they did some shopping. I think they also got pizza and coffee, without me. 🙁 I heated up some leftovers for lunch. While I ate lunch, I talked with my brother on the phone. He has taken over hunting for me this year, and I have been giving him some tips. Tomorrow is the first day of deer season. We have a couple nice buck and some doe on camera. Please pray that Danny will have a successful hunt in the morning.
Once the Ruckmans got home, Bro. Ruckman and I went to the church to talk with the contractor about the new orphanage/boarding school building. We spent about an hour or two there; then, we went home. When we got home, we got set up for Bible Club. Then, Bro. Ruckman had a meeting with a man from Pastor Dare’s church.
I got to lead the singing at the Bible Club. I am trying to find some songs that they do not know. I have enjoyed getting to teach them a few new songs. They learn very quickly. Bro. Arhin taught the lesson today.
Once Bible Club was finished, we ate a wonderful supper and then got ready for Discipleship at the church. While Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman taught discipleship, I worked on a sermon for Sunday night and Wednesday night. (On Sunday night, I will be preaching at Mt. Calvary. On Wednesday, we will be going to Burkina Faso to be with Bro. Keith Shoemaker for a week. I am preaching there in the Wednesday night service and then on Saturday to the youth.) Once we had finished up at the church, we headed home.
We are now home. It is currently 9:40 P.M. I had my mom FaceTime me so I could watch my brother and sister play basketball and volleyball. My sister’s team won both volleyball games. I am currently watching my brother play basketball. Once I am done with this, I will be getting cleaned up for the evening and then going to bed.
One response to “Slow Morning, Busyish Afternoon”
Isn’t that great that you can watch the games with your family! Danny was a little sad that he didn’t win, but that is Danny. He likes to win! Love your pictures. Wow, glad you are feeling better. I thought I was feeling better, but no. I started running temp again. Have a good day tomorrow. Papa got the Polaris going so Danny can take it hunting. We will be praying for you. We love you!