This morning, I woke up at 7:40, read my Bible, did some exercises, and prepared for the day. We had eggs and English muffins for breakfast. Everything was delicious. We did not have any plans for the early morning, but we left the house at 10:00 A.M.
After we left the house, we did some shopping. Bro. Ruckman got his new glasses from the mall, and he also checked up on a suit that he ordered a week or so ago. He needs the suit for the wedding, but it is going to be cutting it close. After we finished up at the mall, we drove to the market circle. We were able to find some stuff that we needed there, and we were able to find a back-up option for Bro. Ruckman’s suit.
After we finished at the market circle, we went to an Indian restaurant called Bombay. We met the Kenneys and another missionary family. It was a good time of fellowship, and the food was amazing. I had butter chicken, wow wow wow! It was my first time for Indian food, but now I know I like at least one Indian dish. 🙂
After we finished lunch, we took some paint that we had bought to the church. The men had been painting at the church all day. Today, they worked on repainting the interior of the church. The men of the church did a very good job. After we had dropped off the paint, we took Mrs. Angie back to the house. Bro. Ruckman and I changed while we were there. Once we had changed, we went back to the church. The men were sweeping the auditorium after they had finished painting. I got the weed eater going and was able to weed eat a large portion of the church property that could not be mowed because of how thick the grass was. There is something about weed eating grass that is tall that is satisfying. It made me miss the lawn business I left my brother to maintain.

After I had finished, we played a few games with the kids, then headed home. When we got home, I took a very refreshing shower. After I had taken a shower and cooled off a little bit, I went downstairs and ate the rest of my food from lunch. We are now watching another missions movie; then, we will have smoothies and be off to bed. Tomorrow, we have Fante class and Bible Institute. It will be another busy day; so, please pray that we all get good rest this evening.
3 responses to “No Rest for the Weary”
Bro. Jay loves Indian food. There is something about the smell of the spices they use that is very off-putting for me. I think it’s because when I was expecting Bradley, there was an Indian restaurant near where we lived and whenever I’d smell the food it nearly made me gag every time. Ever since then, the very thought of it makes me lose my appetite. 😂
Oh we love butter chicken. I actually try it out at any restaurant here to see which is the best.just be careful, because some places put peanuts in their sauce! I think Rachel made it for y’all when she was down there a couple years ago for a while.
Sounds like you’re staying busy. That’s great!
I thought you all took off on Mondays. You had a busy day!
We love hearing from you! Praying!