Naming Ceremony Sunday

This morning, I woke up at my usual time. After getting up, I ate breakfast and got ready for church. Once I was ready, I walked down to the village for the bus route. We were able to leave with plenty of time to get to church.

Once we got to the church, we made sure everything was set up and ready; then, we had our Sunday School hour. Thoughout the Sunday school hour, we had many first time visitors start showing up for the naming ceremony for a couple in our church’s baby boy.

We had good services, and the naming ceremony went well. After the naming ceremony of Ryan Gyan, everyone got snacks and started heading home. I rode home with the kids on the bus route.

Once the Ruckmans got home, we had a very good lunch. After lunch, I went up to my room and was able to get a good nap in. After my nap, I got ready for church and got a few taxis to take me to the church. Once I got to the church, we were able to have a really good choir practice. We are trying to get a song ready for Easter. I hope we can get it ready in time.

After choir practice and a good church service, the Ruckmans fellowshipped for a while. I sat on the steps and talked with a few of the kids. Once we were ready to go, we loaded up and took a couple home.

Once we got to our house, we saw that the power was out. I think it will be going out every Sunday night now. This is the third Sunday night that it has done this. It goes out at 7:00 or so; then, it does not come back on until 12:00 A.M. or 1:00 A.M. So, we shall see.

We were still able to have a great supper and were able to turn the generator on so we could all get a shower. I am now about to head to bed. Tomorrow, I plan on working on some homework and cleaning up my room.

Ps: Please pray for the Shofner family, a family in my church back home. The husband and father of some of my close friends passed away earlier today. I wish I could be there to go through this rough time with them; but after seeking guidance from my parents, Bro. Ruckman, and my pastor, I will be staying in Ghana.

2 responses to “Naming Ceremony Sunday”

  1. We are all praying for the Shofners. Your Sunday sounded great. We had a great day too. Bro. Dodson said Danny did great singing this morning . I will listen to it tomorrow. We love you!