More Ocean Fun!!!

I forgot to type the blog yesterday; so, I am typing it as I watch the sunrise.

Yesterday, I woke up at 5:00 A.M. I was planning to go right back to sleep, but I got news that my sister was at the ER with an obstruction in her throat. After I heard that, there was no going back to sleep for me. But I was glad to be getting up that early because I wanted to be able to watch the sunrise. I was able to get several good pictures, but I have not gotten them off my camera yet.

After we had enjoyed the sunrise, we went for breakfast. Everything tasted very good. After breakfast, we rented two surf boards. We did not know what we were doing, but we had fun anyway. Once we were done swimming, I went back, got a shower, and came back out for lunch. I had the chicken schnitzel for lunch. It was very good, so good that I had it again for supper too. 😁

I got word that my sister, Bonnie, finally threw up the obstruction in the ambulance as they pulled up to the hospital in Houston. They kept her for a little while for observation; then, she and Dad headed home.

Once we had finished lunch, I went back to my room for a nap. When I woke up, I felt refreshed and ready to go. When I got back down to the beach, I did a little exploring. There are some really cool rocks, and I was able to explore them. I found a couple of really cool shells.

By the time I had finished exploring, it was getting close to sunset. I had my phone set up for Timelapse, my drone set up for pictures, and I also had my camera out. I was not going to miss anything if I could do something about it. It was a very pretty sunset, and I was again able to get some really nice pictures. After sunset, we went back to our rooms for a little bit and then walked over for supper.

After supper, we played games. I had won the night before but did not do so well last night. Once we were done with games, I went back to my room, took another shower, and went to bed. All in all, we have had a really good time. We are leaving today, but hopefully we will get to do this again before I go back to the U.S.

One response to “More Ocean Fun!!!”

  1. Wow, God had you awake to pray for Bonnie. So glad that she is ok. Your break is a much needed one. You have been on the run for awhile. The kids are doing school work this morning. Papa just called to tell us that the water will be off for quite awhile so we are filling up containers to save up water. 6 in and an 8 in line in town broke. The kids got their showers for tonight church. Church will be an hour early tonight because it will freeze again. Love you and praying for you!