Little tasks around the House and Church

This morning, I got up, read my Bible, and went downstairs at 8:30. I had a mini apple pie for breakfast and started with the small things around the house that needed done.

We had leftover pizza for lunch; then, I went up to my room for a rest. I did not do much in the afternoon, but I did enjoy the ac in my room, after not having much power for the last few days. It did go off a few times, but thankfully it has come back on each time.

After a restful afternoon, we had supper. Right after we had finished eating, the power went off; so, it was bit of a struggle getting ready for church. Once we were ready, we were out the door. On our way to church, we picked a girl up from Mpatado who wanted to go with us because she wanted to be saved. (Mrs. Angie had done the best she could to explain in English, but the girl did not fully understand.)

Once we got to the church, we had a bit of fellowship before getting started. Thankfully, the power came back on just before we started. We had a good service, and the young girl we brought got saved. (We had Mrs. Annette lead her to the Lord in Fante.) Once we had finished at the church, we drove the girl home and then drove to our house.

I have just finished getting cleaned up and ironing clothes for tomorrow. We have a traditional wedding tomorrow and the church wedding on Saturday. So, it is going to be hot and busy for the next few days.

2 responses to “Little tasks around the House and Church”

  1. Weddings are an exciting time. We will be praying for all of you. We are praying for Prince too. Love you!