I’m Back!!

Well, after a month or two of not posting, I am back! It has been fun to get to see my family and friends. For the past month, I have been working with my brother mowing lawns and doing odd jobs. I also attended Midwest Christian Boys’ Football Camp.

On Wednesday, August 21, my church, Central Baptist Church in Center, Texas, threw a nice party to see me off. I left Thursday at 7:00 AM and made my way to Missouri. I was able to make it to my aunt’s church just in time to go out door knocking with them. After door knocking, we went to a Japanese steakhouse for my first time.

On Friday morning after visiting with my aunt and cousins for a bit, I set out on my last six hours of driving after having driven ten and a half hours the day before.

I made it to the college around 3:30 and started unloading. After about 20 trips of carrying stuff up to my room, I had finally unloaded my car. I then had to go to Walmart to get a few more things I needed.

After a good night’s rest, we had bus meeting and door knocking on Saturday. It was fun to get to know my soul winning partner and make a few friends. At one house, my soul winning partner told me that these people were from a different country and had come to church several times. As soon as the lady opened the door and started talking, I knew she was from Ghana. She was from Kumasi, a few hours north of Takoradi where I was. As we were leaving, I told her that there was no food like Ghanaian food. She told me to wait a minute; she had just made joloff rice. She filled a bowl with rice, chicken, and sauce. I thanked her in Fante, and she replied. Her daughters said, “He is true Ghanaian!”

We then had activities once we got back to the college. We played a little volleyball tournament, and our team ended up getting second place, losing by only two points. After the outside activities, we played catchphrase; and out of a group of twenty or more people, I won the game. 🤯🤯🤯 I then went to bed while I was on a winning note. 🤣

On Sunday morning, I went to the church early for bus route. It was so much fun to get to ride the bus and spend time getting to know some of the bus kids. After the morning service, we went back to the college for the freshmen lunch.

After lunch, I took a nap and headed back to church with some of the guys for prayer meeting. After the service, a few of us went to Wendy’s to get some supper before heading back to the college to get ready to leave for an activity.

We had a good time playing putt-putt golf. Once we got back to the college, I took a shower. I am now in bed about to turn out the lights and head to sleep. We have orientation and registration this Monday and Tuesday and a Bus Conference Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

6 responses to “I’m Back!!”

  1. Glad made there.
    Sound like you already having fun there.
    We will miss here at Central.
    But know God had call to serve him faithfully.
    So proud of you faithfulness

  2. So many adventures await! Adventures in the will of God are so much more enjoyable. Make sure you do your daily devotions and walk with God on these adventures!

  3. We are excited for you in your new adventure! It sounds like you are already having fun, and enjoying new opportunities.
    Have a great semester! God bless you, Gilbert!🥰🙏🏻

  4. It is fun to hear about the games. We know you love that! We will be praying for you as you go through all these trials. Have fun and take time to pray! Glad you are posting the highlights each week so we can pray for you too. Lots of love!

  5. We miss you, of course, but are so glad that you are willing to work for our Lord! Stay safe, make friends, learn as much as you can; ohh, that would be like do the same as you always have! 😊😊💕💕💕💕💕