Finals are coming! 😬

This morning, I got up, read my Bible, got ready, and then took all of my Bible Institute stuff to the dining room to study. I sat down around 7:40 A.M. and did not get up until 9:50 A.M. In that time period, I was able to get caught up on a few classes and studied up in other classes. I would have continued studying, but I needed to get stuff ready to go.Β 

We left the house at 10:15 A.M. for Bible Institute. When we got there, I got the coffee and hot water ready, while Bro. Ruckman and Bro. Nathan talked with the architects for the four-story orphanage. We are planning to have the ground breaking for the orphanage within the next ten days. The orphanage will be on the church property; and once built, it will hold 38 boys and 38 girls. It will also have a school and many more accessories.Β 

While they were outside, I was able to make up a quiz I had not done; then we started English class. All of the class periods were good, but my brain was already tired from all the reading and studying I had done in the morning; so, it was really hard for me to focus in the classes. Once we had finished all the classes, Bro. Ruckman and I headed home. (It was just the two of us because the others had gone home earlier in the day.)

When we got home, I went to my room and worked on reading a book. I had been reading this book off and on for the past several weeks, but I was really struggling to understand and remember what I had read. So, this afternoon, I found the book on YouTube. The book is called The Trail of Blood. By listening and following along, I was able to understand the book with much more detail, and it turned out to be a really good book.Β 

I did not finish the book right away. I took a break for supper; then, while the adults were talking after supper, I put noise cancellation in and was able to finish the book!!! After I finished the book, I sat in the living room for a few more minutes and then went to my room. The adults are having good fellowship; so, I found some time to get away and let my brain cool off. It had been going non stop all day, except for when I fell asleep in class. 🀣🀣 (Not really) I wish I could have though. πŸ˜‚

I am  now in my room typing the blog. It is currently 9:02 P.M., and I am highly considering hitting the hay early. Well, I think that’s all for the day. 😁