This morning, I woke up at 7:40. I was able to do some of my Bible reading, but I had to hurry and eat breakfast because we needed to be at the church by 8:30. When we got to the church, we gave the money to one of the men from the church so he could go pay for the sound system. We also picked up one of the young guys form the church, Prince; he has English lessons with Mrs. Angie on Tuesdays.
When we got home, Mrs. Angie started teaching Prince. While she taught him, I studied for Bible Institute and for Fante class. I started my portion of the Fante class at 10:10. This was the best week yet. I was able to count 1-30, say the days of the week, recite the months of the year, and I was able to practice some of the basic greetings.
I am also trying to memorize the parts of the body. Last week, I could only say ten of the body parts, but this week I was able to say close to twenty, without looking at my notes. I am slowly but steadily learning. Today was my ninth lesson. We started the regular lesson with everyone else at 10:40. Today was Bro. Ruckman and Mrs. Angie’s 109th lesson. We are all learning.
After Fante class, we ate a quick lunch. We had leftover pizza from yesterday. Once we had finished eating, we hurried out the door to get to the church in time for Bible Institute. We had class in one of the Sunday school rooms because the sound men were busy setting everything up in the auditorium. They were able to get a lot done and should be done by Thursday.
Once we had finished with Bible Institute, Bro. Ruckman and I stopped by Anaji Mart and got some ice cream for dessert. When we got home, Mrs. Angie had mashed potatoes, gravy with roast type meat, and creamed corn ready to eat.
But before we sat down at the table, Mrs. Angie noticed a spider on the ceiling in the kitchen. Apparently, she dislikes spiders strongly; I would almost say she is afraid of them. ๐ Bro. Ruckman called me into the kitchen to witness his killing the spider with the mop. He reached all the way up to it, and Mrs. Angie said when he was about to kill it, “It is going to start running.”
Well, I am beginning to think Mrs. Ruckman is a fortune teller because as soon as Bro. Ruckman jabbed at it, the spider began to scurry across the ceiling. ๐ He was continuously jabbing at it, but he was still missing. When Mrs. Angie saw that it was running across the ceiling closer to her, she screamed and just about pushed me out of the way so she could run out the door. ๐ If that door were locked, she may have just run through it. ๐
As she ran out the door, she scraped her arm a little; but everything was okay, somehow. While she was running out the door, Bro. Ruckman was finally able to kill it. It immediately fell to the floor, and Bro. Ruckman promptly picked it up, with a paper towel of course. Now that I think about it, I should have picked it up myself and shoved it in my mouth; that would really have made Mrs. Angie freak out. ๐

After the spider incident, we ate supper. Everything was delicious, and we did not find any spider legs in the food. ๐ Once we had finished supper, Bro. Ruckman had a phone call to make. While he was on the phone, I went to my room to relax after a day of hard work on my brain. I am thinking about taking an early shower and then seeing what is going on downstairs.
Well, I think that about wraps it all up for the day. Thanks for all the prayers!!!
Ps: Please pray Mrs. Angie does not have any spider dreams. She may be jabbing at Bro. Ruckman; or even worse, she may jump out the window. ๐
One response to “Fante and Bible Institute”
Poor Ms. Angie! Because of my unsettling fear of a mouse, I can totally empathize with her! We love you my Gilly! ๐๐