Fante and Adventures

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. I got up, did some Bible Institute studying/reading, then went down for breakfast. Bro. Ruckman kindly made me two delicious, runny eggs. He had also made toast and hot dogs, which were delicious also. After breakfast, I went back to my room and did some more studying and reading.

We started Fante lessons at 10:15 A.M. We were able to have a good lesson. While we were doing Fante, we had two men from the church learning piano through an online video course, and the Hollingsworths went out on a walk to a near by village. Once we had finished lessons, we ate lunch; then I went up to my room, did some reading, and watched something for a while. I then took a short nap until we were ready to go out for the evening.

We left the house at 4:30 P.M. to do some souvenir shopping and to eat at the Noble House. I was able to find a really nice painting for ten dollars. We were able to have a good time of fellowship while we ate some delicious food. After we had finished eating, we had deep fried ice cream, which was very good. Once we had finished our meal, Bro. Nathan very generously paid for everyone’s meal. The meal was not cheap; so, it was very kind of him to do that for us.

After we finished up at the restaurant, we headed home. When we got home, the power was out; so, we were able to get the generator going long enough for everyone to take a quick shower. I have just finished my shower and am now typing the blog as fast as I can before we have to turn the generator back off. Please pray that the power will come back on soon so that we can run our ac and fans. I know I take it for granted, but it really is a blessing to have ac and fans.

One response to “Fante and Adventures”

  1. What a day! I’m sure AC and fans make for better sleeping. We really are spoiled. We have AC and fans going every night. You are getting the privlege to meet Christians and other workers. You are getting a great adventure. God has been so good to you. Praying for you and love you.