This morning I woke up at 7:30 A.M. I was able to do my Bible reading, eat breakfast, and get the day going before Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman left the house. Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman were able to spend the day with the couple from Texas. They spent the day visiting all of the churches; they were able to eat lunch at the beach. They did have to wait for an hour or two before the meal was ready, but at least they were able to eat.
While they were gone, I stayed home and worked on some homework and watched a movie. I ate lunch around 12:15 and continued watching my movie. After a relaxing morning, I left the house at 2:00 P.M. to go evangelizing with Bro. Arhin and a boy form the church. We were able to talk to several kids and witness to a couple different people. I was able to lead a man to the Lord; his name was Emmanuel. After I had led him to the Lord, I had Bro. Arhin question him in Fante just to be sure he understood all that I had said. While Bro. Arhin was questioning him, Emmanuel’s two friends got saved. We had a total of three saved, and we were able to pass out several tracts.

When I got home, Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman were still not there. I was able to talk with Bro. Arhin for about ten minutes before Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman got home. Once the Ruckmans had gotten back, they made supper. It was a simple, but very good meal. We had hot dogs and macaroni. After supper, we watched a tv show, then parted ways for the evening. One of the Ruckmans’ granddaughters is celebrating her first birthday; so, they wanted to call and wish her a happy birthday.
I am in my room doing a little studying for my Bible lesson I will be teaching at the Bible club tomorrow afternoon. I will probably do some Bible Institute studying also. One thing is certain, I am definitely going to take a shower. 🙂 Evangelizing in the heat of the day will leave a person feeling very unclean. 🙂
3 responses to “Evangelism”
What a day you had! We spent the day in the Amish country. Papa found a man who would sell him a young hair sheep ram. When we got back Papa fixed the refrigerator for Punky. The kids do school work in the mornings. Eli and Andrew will go to a men’s retreat tomorrow. They call it a recharge because men don’t retreat. We are praying for you. Lots of love!
Praising the Lord with you over the soul you saw come to Christ! What excitement that is! We read your blog post on our way to town on school days, it is an encouragement to Jim because he misses having you around. Him and Danny are always up to something, though 😁.
I can feel your excitement leading a person to the Loed. Nothing in this world matches that. So happy for a GRANDson.