Errands and Computer Design

This morning, I woke up at 7:20. After getting up, I went downstairs, had a banana and a few muffins, and waited for the days activities to begin. Before we could go out and run our errands, Bro. Arhin came for piano lessons, and Prince had his English lesson. Once their classes were over, we got our stuff together and started out for our day’s adventures.

We left Prince at the house to watch over the compound while we were gone and drove Bro. Arhin to the junction. From there, we set off to the post office. After the post office, we went to the bank; then from there, we went downtown to the market circle. Today was one of the market days; so, it was very busy downtown. We were able to find a few things that we needed but not all. From the market circle, we drove over to one of the cold stores and were able to find the cheese we had been waiting patiently for. We were able to get 17 pounds of cheese for about two dollars a pound, which is a really good price for cheese here, and, if I am not mistaken, anywhere. 🙂

Once we had gotten our cheese, we headed over to Melcoms to get a few things, including Pizza Hut for lunch. Once we had gotten our lunch, we headed back to the house. We stopped by the church to drop some stuff off, but none of us had the key to open the gate; so, we were not able to drop anything off. Once we got to the house, Prince quickly opened the gate, and we were able to get everything we had bought put into their proper places in the house. Once everything was in order, we rested for a while.

After my rest, I started work on a banner that Bro. Ruckman wanted designed for the church. After a few hours and a few great suggestions from my youth pastor in Texas, I think I have the final product. Sometimes, I shock myself on the things I can do with a few hours and a computer.

I am now waiting for my hot water heater to get my water warmed up. Then, I’ll be getting cleaned up and heading to bed after a long but good day.

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