Day #199

Today’s blog is probably going to be short because not much happened.

I woke up, read a few chapters of Judges, got ready for the day, had some breakfast, ran a few short errands with Bro. Ruckman, and then got my stuff loaded into the truck for Bible Institute. That just about wraps up the morning, other than I did do a bit of studying before we left.

We were able to get everything up and going and had good classes. After Mrs. Angie had finished teaching her classes for the day, she, Annete, and Arhin went to a lady’s house. She wanted to get saved a day or so ago, but Bro. Ruckman wanted to give the opportunity to lead her to the Lord to Mrs. Angie. Bro. Ruckman wanted the two of them to form a bond in that way. Thankfully, the lady, Grace, accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour.

While Mrs. Angie and the others were out on evangelism, we finished up Bible Institute for the day. Once we had got everything set up for tomorrow’s services, we headed home. Mrs. Angie heated up some delicious leftovers after we had all rested for a while. Just before we sat down to eat, the power went off. It blinked on and off a few times, but thankfully it is back on. When it came back on this last time, I had my drone in the air and had just hit the record button when the power came back on; so, I was able to catch all the lights coming back on, which was really cool.

I am now just about to head to bed. It has been a good day, and we are praying tomorrow’s services go well also.

One response to “Day #199”

  1. Happy Sunday morning. Sounds like a great day. I was able to help sell candy all day Friday! My painting is coming along. Time is getting close. I need to have it finished by the end of the month. The video you shot was really nice. Have a good week! We love you and are praying.