Day #142

This morning, I woke up at 6:30. Once I had gotten up, I got ready, then headed downstairs. We left for the meeting soon after I got downstairs; so, I did not make breakfast. Bro. Ruckman had marriage counseling with a man and woman who are having a rough time; so, he needed me to go along. The meeting was close to an hour long. After the meeting, we headed back to the house.

Once we got home, I made Dutch pancakes for breakfast. After I had eaten and gotten the dishes washed, I went upstairs to do some reading and resting while Mrs. Angie taught English and Bro. Ruckman had a meeting with several pastors. At 10:00 A.M., a few guys and I went out on evangelism. We were able to have a few good conversations with people and invited several kids to the weekly Bible Club. We stayed out for about two hours, bringing my total hours of evangelism to ten hours for the week.

Once I got home, I waited until Bro. Ruckman was done with his meeting; then, we ate lunch. After lunch, I went up to my room for the afternoon. It was a blessing to see close to fifty kids at the Bible Club this week. We had several of our church kids, and we also had five visitors come that we had invited in the nearby village while out on evangelism.

Once all the kids had left, Mrs. Angie quickly got supper ready. The meal was delicious. We had tacos and rice. After supper, we played a few rounds of a game. I lost the first game and got second place in the next.

It is currently 8:49 P.M. Once I am finished with the blog, I am off to get cleaned up; then, I will be heading to bed.

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