Day #119

Sometimes I can not think of a good name for the day; so, I just call it the number of full days I have been in Africa. This morning, I woke up, got ready, and went downstairs. When the Ruckmans came downstairs, I helped make a delicious breakfast. We had bacon, eggs, raisin bread, and some of the leftover corned beef potatoes.

After a delicious meal, Bro. Ruckman and I went out and ran a few errands. We went to the mall for a few things and then went to the church to get something. After that, we headed back to the house. Once we got home, we ate lunch and then set about doing some outside work. I changed five lightbulbs while Bro. Ruckman started sanding some boards for bean bag toss. Once I finished with the lights, the neighbor boy and I helped him finish up. After we had sanded the boards, we trimmed a huge bush. This was not an ordinary bush; it had thorns; so, we had to be as cautious as possible. Once I had trimmed as far as I could, I got off the ladder and let Bro. Ruckman finish up. After we had finished trimming the tree, Bro. Ruckman went inside to do some studying for this evening’s service while the neighbor boy and I finished sweeping up the leaves and hauling off the branches.

Once we had finished, I went up to my room until it was time for supper. After supper, I quickly got ready; then, we were out the door for church. We had a great service. After the service, the Ruckmans had some things to do; so, I waited outside with the kids. Tomorrow is what the kids call “our day.” I remember having “our day” ten years ago when we went to school here in Ghana. It is a day where you get to have fun at school. I know all parents say school is fun, but I mean real fun. You get to watch movies, eat snacks in class, basically anything you want, hence the name “our day.” So, the kids were very crazy tonight because tomorrow is the last day before Christmas break and because of “our day.”

After we had finished up at the church, we headed home. Once we were home, I went up to my room, got cleaned up, and I am now in my bed typing the blog. Once I am done, it will be off to bed. I am planning on going jogging in the morning.

2 responses to “Day #119”

  1. Jogging! Oh great fun! Great way to keep in shape. have a wonderful week. Don’t forget guitar practice too. We love you. Praying you will have a fruitful week.