Day #3 of Missions Conference
This morning, I woke up at 7:30. I read my Bible and quickly got ready for the day. We had planned to leave at 8:15 A.M. to go to the Kojokrom work site. What I did not know is that it had rained a lot in the night; so, we were not able to go…
Day #2 of Missions Conference
This morning, I woke up, read my Bible, and got ready for the day. I studied for Bible Institute for a few minutes and then went downstairs. After two muffins for breakfast, I worked on my Fante homework. We had Fante lessons today because tomorrow we are going to the Kojokrom work site, having Bible…
Day #1 of Missions Conference
This morning, I read my Bible, got ready for church, and then went down for breakfast. Mrs. Angie had banana muffins ready. They were so good. We left for church at 8:30 A.M. We had a great Sunday school and morning service preached by Pastor Miguel Triano. We did have problems with the microphones because…
Back to School
This morning, I woke up at 7:20. I read my Bible, got ready for the day, then started studying. I was able to study for about an hour, which was good. After I studied for a while, I messed with my drone for a while. I am trying to figure things out; but once I…
A Full Day of Video Creating
This morning I did not fall asleep until 12:15. (I figured I would start the blog off a little differently.) After I fell asleep, I did not wake up until 6:30. I tried to sleep in until 7:00 A.M., but I could not fall back to sleep. I got up at 6:50, ready my Bible,…
A Good Day and a Big Surprise!
Today stated off like every other day. I woke up, read my Bible, practiced my guitar, and got ready for the day. We had oatmeal and leftover pancakes for breakfast. After breakfast, I finished up my Fante home work and then studied for my Bible Institute classes, which are resuming on Tuesday. We had a…
This morning, I woke up at 7:00. I read my Bible, then practiced my guitar. Once I had practiced for thirty minutes, I got ready for the day. Mrs. Angie made pancakes; but once she had finished that, she started feeling weird again. For the whole day, she would get something done, then start feeling…
Visa Extension and Guitar Practice!!!
This morning, I got up, read my Bible, and got ready for the day. Bro. Ruckman made eggs, bacon, and toast; everything tasted great. After breakfast, I went back up to my room and did a few exercises. Then, I got my stuff ready to go to immigration with Pastor Prince and Pastor Dare. Pastor…
Unfortunate Event
This morning, I woke up at 6:40. We had planned on leaving the house at 8:00 A.M. to visit the Perkins; but at 7:00 A.M. or so, Bro. Ruckman informed me that Mrs. Angie had been very sick since 1:00 A.M. She did not leave the restroom for quite a while. Bro. Ruckman found her…
Another Sunday with One Saved
After my very long nap yesterday, my sleep schedule was really messed up. I did not fall asleep until after 1:00 A.M. After I fell asleep, I slept well. I woke up at 7:30. I read my Bible, ate breakfast, then got ready for the day. We left for church at 8:30. Once we got…