Another Long Day of Bible Institute

This morning, I woke up at 7:20. After getting up, getting ready, and eating breakfast, we were out the door at 8:30 A.M. to get to the church and get things ready for Bible Institute. We were able to start right at 9:00 A.M. and had a solid five hours of classes.

After the classes were over, Bro. Ruckman and Bro. Arhin made a few visits while I played soccer with the boys at the church. I am in no way good at it, but I felt like I was doing a bit better than usual today. After playing for a while, Bro. Ruckman and Bro. Arhin got back to the church. Once they got back, Bro. Arhin, Prince, Bro. Ruckman, and I went to Mpatado to do some evangelism. We visited with some of the kids who have been coming the past few weeks, invited a lot of new kids; and most importantly, we were able to see a lady get saved!!!

After an hour or so of evangelism, we took Bro. Arhin back to town and drove back to the house. Prince is spending the night at our house; so, we did not take him back to his house. Once we got home, we had supper. I am very thankful for Mrs. Angie’s hard work to prepare supper while we were out and about.

After supper, I worked on some homework; then, we watched a tv show before parting ways for the evening. I am now in my room finishing up the blog and then heading to get cleaned up after a long day.