An Action-Packed Friday 

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. I immediately began reading notes for Bible Institute. I read for about thirty minutes and then went downstairs. I did not see anyone; so, I went back up to my room. I ended up going back downstairs around 8:00 A.M. We then all had delicious pancakes for breakfast. 

After breakfast, we began preparing for a very busy day. We left the house around 9:00 A.M. Bro. Ruckman, the Hollingsworths, and I set out for the ocean, while Mrs. Angie stayed home to get prepared for her English class tomorrow. We were able to have a very good drive out to the ocean. The roads are still bumpy, but they are really working hard on the roads; so, it made our drive much faster. 

On our way to the ocean, we stopped at a national pastor’s church. Once we had finished at this stop, we finished our drive to the ocean. Once we got there, we all enjoyed an hour or two. The Hollingsworths and I did some shell searching, while Bro. Ruckman waited on lunch in the shade. I was able to find my first whole sand dollar, and I also found a few pieces of sea glass, which I like to collect. We then enjoyed a very good meal, did a little more exploring, and then it was in to our next stop. 

Our next stop was the village of Tumentu. (I have no clue if I spelled that right, but I tried.) I have not been to a village like this, and it was an amazing experience. I truly hope I will get to see more of the village and see many souls won to the Lord from this village. It was a lot of fun to get to visit with the kids and the men from the village, who were very kind. 

After this stop, we made our way back home for Bible club. We made it just in time, and started a few minutes after 5:00 P.M. We had a good number of kids, and we had a good lesson. I had a first today. One of the girls, whose name is Faith, comes to the Bible club. She does not like to sit still; so, you usually have to hold her in your lap. Today, I thought she was going to behave; but as soon as I saw her up and about, I had her sit with me. As soon as she saw me, she came running, jumped into my arms, and kissed me on the cheek. These kids have a way of stealing your heart, and it will be very hard to leave them in July.

After Bible club, we ate a quick supper; then, we headed to the church for evangelism. We had several kids show up, but they all stayed at the church for Christmas play practice. So several of us older men and women set out for evangelism. We had a good time; and as usual, by the time we were done, we had many village kids swarming us to get a few gospel tracts. We made our way back to the church at 8:30 P.M. Once we got to the church, I played with the kids for a while, while the adults talked and fellowshipped with some others. We ended up leaving the church at 9:15 P.M. 

I am very tired and am about to take a shower and then head for bed. There is only one final tomorrow; but tomorrow will be the last class before the finals in many of the classes. Please pray that all the studying I do will stay in my brain, and that I will not get mixed up and put the wrong answers on the wrong test. (Which I am very likely to do. 😬)

2 responses to “An Action-Packed Friday ”

  1. Glad that you get a little relax time.
    I have never found a Whole sand dollar.
    My Granny use to tell me that a Whole sand dollar ment Good Luck. Lol
    I’ll be praying that all goes well with your test today.🛐
    Let us know how it goes.
    Hope you have another great day!
    God Bless You 🤗

  2. We love you, Gilly! You must be right where our Father wants you from the sound of your days, & we are happy for that, even though this Hakenewerth bunch missed you very much!
    Of course, you will do good in your tests (don’t second guess yourself, thinking questions are meant to trick you)! May God continue to bless & keep you close. love you, Aunt Lu.