A Very Long Day

Today, I woke up a little later than normal. I did not have time to run, but I did get my Bible reading and Fante homework done. Once I had finished with my homework, I studied Fante and Bible Institute notes. I did eat breakfast somewhere in the middle of everything, just to let you all know. 🙂

When I had finished studying and freshening up my mind on my Fante, we started Fante class. The teacher did not get here right on time, but I was still able to get a twenty minute lesson before the others. Today, I was able to point to each body part and say the Fante name for it, all without looking at my notes. The teacher said, “You have done well.” I still have a lot to learn, but it is coming slowly. We ended Fante class at 12:30; then, we ate lunch. We had to eat quickly and gather all of our stuff together before leaving for Bible Institute at 1:15.

When we got to the church, there were several ladies washing the cloth church decorations. Mrs. Angie helped them with that while Bro. Ruckman and I were at Bible Institute. The classes went from 1:30 to 6:00. I was definitely tired of learning for the day when those classes ended. Once we had finished, we headed home. Mrs. Angie left before we had finished with the Bible Institute classes so she could get some stuff done at the house.

When we got home, Mrs. Angie had supper going. It was not quite ready; so, I played with the dog for a while. When we first got here, all the dog would do is bark at me; but now, I let her out of her pen most every night, and all she does is lick me to death. If her tongue had soap and and a scrub brush on it, I do not think I would have to take a shower. 🙂

When I had finished playing with the dog, I washed my hands for supper. Mrs. Angie had prepared fried chicken and fried rice. Everything tasted wonderful!!! After we had finished supper, I sat in the living room for a while. I am now in my room waiting for the hot water heater; that way I can take a nice warm shower. I will then try to go to sleep. I say try because the Charismatic churches are going crazy tonight. It sounds like three churches are trying to see who can scream the loudest. It is very sad, but that is why we are here, to share the gospel with people who know no better. Maybe one day they will not be screaming and praising a false god but instead be worshiping the God Who reigns above.

2 responses to “A Very Long Day”

  1. What an amazing opportunity to study with the young men in Africa. This is so special. Our Lord is preparing you in a special way to serve Him. Praying for you! Love you lots!

  2. Gilbert, We are blessed by your thankful spirit. You have to be a good young man because of the way the dog has taken to you. I’m glad I read your message while sitting in my recliner. You had a big day of studying. We pray the Lord continues to bless you.