A Long Day!!!

This morning, I hurried downstairs and quickly made some toast before we had to leave to go to the traditional wedding. We got there at 7:30, and the wedding was supposed to start at 8:00; but, I do not think it started until 9:00 or so. Throughout the wedding, I operated the video for Pastor Prince. He oversaw everything; so, he was not able to do the recording, but I was glad to do it.

Bro. Ruckman got to hold the baby again at the traditional wedding.

When we got home, it was close to noon. I ate some of the snacks we had gotten from the wedding and then went to my room for a nice nap. Yesterday’s workout seems to have caught up with me today. Around 1:45, Bro. Ruckman was ready to go to Pastor Dare’s church to help get things ready.

When we got there, several of the men from our church were there to help. We did what we could see needed to be done until Pastor Dare arrived. He had a long list of things that needed to be done. We had to level off some areas on the property, set up tents, and get chairs under the tents. Once we were finished, it was 6:50 P.M. We were all tired and ready to go home.

We dropped the guys from our church off and then headed home. When we got home, Mrs. Ruckman had a delicious shepherd’s pie ready. It was so good. Once we had finished supper, we split ways and went to our rooms. I was able to talk to my mom and dad and then took a shower. It should be easy to go to sleep tonight. 🙂 I am really tired and hoping I do not wake up tired tomorrow.

Bro. Ruckman is very tired also; he is starting to feel the soreness from yesterday’s workout. He said his get up and go got up and went. I told him I wold have to remember that and add it to my blog. 🙂 Tomorrow, we have another big wedding; so, please pray that we all get a good night’s rest. Mrs. Angie has not been feeling the greatest; so, please pray for her also.

One response to “A Long Day!!!”

  1. The third day is when your muscles will give you a fit after all that hauling tiles. You are getting a good view of weddings. We love hearing from you. Praying for your classes tomorrow. Have a good weekend!