A Little More Study and Finals

This morning, I woke up at 7:50. I studied until 9:00 A.M. and then went down to have a little bit of breakfast. I ate one banana then went back up to my room. I studied off and on. I basically stayed in my room until 11:45 A.M. and then went downstairs. I sat in a chair and relaxed for a little bit, then, we ate lunch. After lunch, we headed off for Bible Institute.

When we got there, I did a little studying, then took exam after exam. I am pretty sure I did well on most of them, but I know that I had some errors. I am glad that all of those tests are over, but I still have four to go.

When we got home, I had a little bit of a rest; then, we ate supper. We had chicken tacos; they were really good. After supper, we turned the ac on and sat down for a movie. We are currently watching the movie and then planning to go to bed early. I will then be waking up early to start studying for the final four finals on Saturday.