A Fun Day!!!

This morning, I woke up, read my Bible, and got ready for the day. We were planning to leave the house at 8:30 A.M. I ate breakfast, got my water ready, and made sure I had my camera gear, etc.

We left the house promptly at 8:30 A.M. We then drove to the church to pick up a few people who were coming to help us dig the foundation. After we had picked the people up, we had to stop and get handles for the pickaxes. The drive to the area we were going was about 40 minutes; but with all the stops, it took close to an hour.

Once we arrived, we got right to work. Some of the men drew off the area for the foundation; then, we began digging. The first foundation did not need to be deep because they are just putting a short brick wall around the edges of a building they already have.

Once we had finished digging out the first one, the men drew off the area and measured where we would dig the second foundation. This foundation had to be much deeper, as they are building a small storage building. After about an hour of hard labour and a few blisters later, we finished digging the foundation. Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Rebecca had gone evangelizing while we dug the foundations.

Once we had all finished, we headed home. When we got home, we had tacos for lunch; then I took a much needed rest. I got in a thirty minute nap then worked on my sermon for the youth meeting. We left the house at 4:30 P.M. for youth meeting. I preached on “The Will of God.” I hope this message was easily understood and that each of them can apply it to their lives.

After the message, we did some clean up around the church; then, we played big-ball-volleyball. There were several men on each team, I think 7 per team. It was pretty crazy, but no one got too badly hurt. Bro. Keith did fall straight backwards, but I think he is all right. It is very dusty; so it is kind of hard to breathe, but we all had fun.

After we had finished up at the church, we went home. The Ruckmans and Shumakers went back to the church for couples meeting, but we boys stayed home. We played some video games, and we all had a good time. Once the adults got home, we had supper. We had fresh bread and the toppings of our choice. After we had eaten, we all enjoyed some good laughs and then parted ways for the evening.

I have officially been in Africa for a little over ten weeks. I am finally starting to get into the swing of things. I have been having a lot of fun, and the Ruckmans are feeling more like family each day. Once I get back to the U.S., I hope I will keep in good contact with them, as I am now considering them my adopted parents because they have basically adopted me as their son. Bro. Ruckman’s parents have even claimed me as their unofficial grandson. ๐Ÿ™‚

I think that is all for tonight. It is currently 10:32 P.M. I still need to get cleaned up, and then I will be heading to bed. We have another busy Sunday tomorrow.

3 responses to “A Fun Day!!!”

  1. Blisters are no fun. It looked like very hard ground. Praying for your sermon, and for the power of God on you. Loved the pictures. Love you.

  2. Hello there ๐Ÿ‘‹
    Well, I think it should be around 1pm there and Your service should be over. Ive been praying that everything went good.
    Do I need to send you some leather work gloves? You need to keep your hands in good order. You will need those fingers to turn your pages in the Bible.
    I’m So Glad that things are settling into place and that everyone are like family now.

    Well you take care of yourself.
    Looking forward to your message tomarrow.
    Our Church Service will begin in about 1 1/2 hrs. God Bless You ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿค›๐Ÿ›