A Day With Bro. Sammy

This morning, I woke up at 7:20. After getting up, I had breakfast; then, Bro. Ruckman and I went up to the church. Bro. Ruckman left me to help Bro. Sammy with some stuff.

Bro. Sammy is renovating some of the classrooms at the church, and we needed some supplies. Our first task was to find tile that matches the other classrooms. Well, this ended up being an all-day process. The first place did not have the tile anymore; so, we ended up going to around ten different tile shops. We rode in three different tro-tros (public transport van), one taxi, and an aboboya. (An aboboya is a basically a motorcycle with a truck bed.) After driving around all day, we were able to find a tile that Bro. Ruckman liked at the first place we stopped at. Once we got all the way back there, we loaded up the tile and drove it to the church.

After a long day of riding and walking, I was very sunburnt. I did not wear long sleeves because it is very hot, and I forgot to bring my sunscreen. After a very busy afternoon, I got a taxi back to the house. When I got home, I rested for a few minutes before supper and got ready for church.

We had a good service. After the service, everyone talked for a while; then, we came back to the house. We got home around 9:15 P.M. or so; so, it is currently 10:00 P.M. I am finishing up the blog and then heading to get my second shower of the day. Tomorrow is Bible Institute; so, I hope I can sleep well and get some studying in before my quiz tomorrow.

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