This morning, I woke up at 7:30. Once I had gotten up, I quickly got ready and headed downstairs to get a quick breakfast. I ate a few muffins that we had leftover in the freezer. After I ate, I got my stuff ready for the day. We were supposed to leave at 8:00 A.M. to go visit with a man, but the lady who was supposed to come with us was running late. (So we thought) Bro. Ruckman had gone out right at 8:00 because the dog started barking. We thought the lady was here; but when Bro. Ruckman went out to the gate, he did not see anyone. He did not have his keys to open the gate, but he did ask if anyone was there. Well, another thirty minutes went by, and we had still had not heard anything. The dog had stayed quiet; so, we did not think she was out there. At 8:30 A.M., Bro. Ruckman looked out the window, and the lady was standing at the gate. When Bro. Ruckman let her in, he asked how long she had been out there. Her response was, “About half an hour.” Apparently she had been knocking, but it was not loud enough for the dog to hear; so, none of us thought she was there.
Once we had let her in and gotten her some water, we headed out to make the visit. We planned to visit the man at the school where he works and stays. So when we got there, a man knocked on his door. He was asleep when we got there because he had been up late in the night. We were able to talk to him for just a minute, but we did not get to discuss what we had gone to talk with him about. We rescheduled the meeting for 7:00 A.M. tomorrow morning. It is going to be an early start for us!!!
Once we had taken the lady back to her house, we went back to our house. Mrs. Angie taught a boy English for a while until it was time for Fante class to start. We had a good class period, full of a lot of review, because this will be the last lesson we will receive from this teacher for a while; she is due to have a baby on the 26th of this month. We are planning to get someone to fill in for her, but we will not be able to resume classes until February sometime. Mrs. Angie wants to start having times of the day where we are only allowed to speak Fante at the house. I told her I would be locked in my room at those times of day. 🙂 Just kidding, I would try, but I doubt I would do any good.
After Fante class, the Ruckmans and I ate lunch. Once we had finished, I went up to my room to get a rest before going with Pastor Dare for the afternoon. I was able to get a pretty good rest in because Pastor Dare showed up about an hour later than expected because he had to go into town to get some stuff. He picked me up at 3:30 on his moto. (Moto is what they call their motorcycles.) It was my first time riding on a motorcycle in a very long time. I had ridden on a scooter with my Grandpa when I was younger; but I had never ridden on a motorcycle, especially not in Africa. The ride was pretty smooth, but I was a little worried I was going to fall off the back. I held on for dear life, and everything turned out okay.

Once we got to his church, we got stuff ready to go out on evangelism. Before we left the church, we fed his flock of chickens and then set out. We were able to get a good two hours of evangelism in before it was time to go back. (These two hours of evangelism brings my total hours of evangelism up to around eight for the week.) We had some good talks, and it was fun listening to Pastor Dare witness. I feel like I can learn some from him on how to have a good talk with the Ghanaian people.

Once we got back to the church, I took a few sunset photos; then, we went back to the house. Once I got home, I took my stuff up to my room and then sat in the living room for a while until supper was ready. We had chicken sandwiches and onion rings. Everything was delicious, but Mrs. Angie’s homemade onion rings are much better than the store bought. After supper, we finished watching a tv show; then, I headed up to my room for the evening. I had time this evening to make the blog very detailed because it is only 9:05 P.M. Once I am finished with the blog, I am off to get cleaned up. Once I am done with that, I may do a little reading then head to bed. It has been a long and busy day, and tomorrow is looking like it will be another day full of adventures. Dad always says, “Every day is an Adventure!” But some days are more adventure-filled than others.