This morning, I woke up at 7:25. Once I was up and ready, I went downstairs for some breakfast. Mrs. Angie had made English muffins and eggs. Everything was good!!! After breakfast, I finished getting ready for the day. We left the house at 8:30 A.M. to pick up kids for the church service. This is the first time we have run somewhat of a bus route. We had seven kids come.
Once we got to the church, we got started right on time. We had a good Sunday school and song service. After the song service, we divided into Jr. church classes. Since there were so many kids, we had to have three different classes. That is a good problem. There are usually two junior church classes; so, we had teachers for both of those, but we did not have a teacher for the other class. I got to fill in and had so much fun teaching. After the classes, we had three baptisms. Once we were finished up at the church, we headed home.

Mrs. Angie had a delicious pot roast ready; so, we were able to eat just about as soon as we got home. After lunch, I washed the dishes and then went outside to help Bro. Ruckman who was helping someone who was broken down just outside our compound. We were not able to get them running again, but we helped as best we could. Once I had come back inside, I went up to my room for a nap.
After my nap, I took a taxi to the church for choir practice. The Ruckmans did not come when I did because they had to pick up a couple for church. We had a good practice. Once we were finished, we had about ten minutes before church started; so, I was able to go outside and throw the football around with the kids for a few minutes. We were able to get started right at 6:00 P.M.
We had a good song service. We then had one of the boys from the church preach for about five minutes. Once he was done, we separated the girls and boys. Mrs. Angie taught the women and girls, and Bro. Ruckman taught the men and boys. We heard a good sermon. After the service, I played around with the kids for a good while. Once we were ready, we went home.
When we got home, we ate leftovers for supper. After supper, Bro. Ruckman and I worked on the puzzle for a while. I am now in my room typing the blog while listening to a football game. Once I am done with the blog, I am off to get cleaned up and will head to bed.
One response to “A Busy Sunday”
What a great Sunday. We had a great Sunday too. The missionary had some great stories. Some of them sounded just like Joe’s stories. Papa didn’t feel good today so he stayed home. It might snow tomorrow. So school will start at 9:30 unless it it gets very bad. We are raying for you and love you!