Fante Learning, Tile Unloading

This morning, I slept in. I had set my alarm for 7:00 A.M., but apparently I turned it off and did not wake up until 8:36 A.M. ๐Ÿ™‚ I quickly read my Bible and ran downstairs. No one was down there, but I did see that they had eggs and toast ready for me to eat. I quickly ate them, then went up to my room and got all my dirty clothes for the laundry. After I had gathered everything, I started studying Fante.

I was able to start my lesson on time today and was able to do my full thirty minute lesson before everyone else joined. We had a great lesson, and we were able to learn a lot. Today, Bro. Ruckman asked her a question if it was okay in Ghanian culture to ask a woman if she was pregnant. She immediately said, “Yes, it is okay. Are you wondering if I am pregnant?” Bro. Ruckman said yes, and she told us that yes she was pregnant. ๐Ÿ™‚ We had thought she was pregnant, but we did not want to be rude. We were all a little shocked when she said she was six months pregnant.

After Fante, Bro. Ruckman, Mrs. Angie, and I had lunch. We had leftover pizza from yesterday. It was very good!!! After we had finished lunch, we got ready to go work at Pastor Dare’s church. Once we were ready, we went to our church to pick up several helpers, but we only found one. Richmond is one of the young men from the church.

Once we got to Pastor Dare’s church, we asked what we could do to help. About that time, a truck loaded with brand new tile for their church arrived. There were only six men including myself to unload the truck. We began unloading, but these boxes were each over sixty pounds. They were very close to half of my weight. For those who know me, they know that I am built short, but I can carry a good load and cover the ground I stand on. ๐Ÿ™‚ In short words, the boxes were very heavy and a very awkward object to hold. I was able to help a lot even though my arms were giving out by the time we finished. We all had to take a few breaks because of how physically demanding this task was, but we were able to finish.

After we finished unloading the tile, I used the weedeater in a small section in front of the church. I was quickly done with this project. We then loaded up our stuff and left. When we left, we dropped the two boys from our church who had helped off at their junction. Once we had dropped them off, we went to the local grocery store and got some stuff Mrs. Angie wanted/needed to make supper. ๐Ÿ™‚

Once we got home, I took a nice cool shower. I was very hot and sweaty, nothing a cool shower could not fix. After my shower, I relaxed for a little while before eating supper. Once we had eaten supper, I sat in the living room for a while. In the meantime, Bro. Ruckman and Mrs. Angie were on the phone with their son and granddaughter. I am now in my room getting ready for bed. Bro. Ruckman and I need to be leaving the house at 7:30 for a traditional wedding, which starts at 8:00 A.M.

2 responses to “Fante Learning, Tile Unloading”

  1. I bet you will feel this day for several more days. Glad the language lessons are going good. Have a Good Friday. We love you!

  2. Sounds like you had a good weight loss program. I’m glad you were up to it. It made me very tired just reading of your adventure. There is something to be said for youth.
    Keep up the good work