6 Full Weeks in Ghana!!!

I have successfully survived six full weeks in Ghana. These weeks have been action-packed and fun. There have been a few times I have missed my family, friends, and home; but, I am glad to be in my second home. I am enjoying getting to know Bro. and Mrs. Ruckman and also the men of the church. I think I have made some pretty good friends with the men at the church. I am very thankful God has given me the opportunity to spend a year serving Him on the mission field. Thank you all for the support and prayers!!!

This morning, I woke up at 7:20, read my Bible, did my exercises, got ready for the day, and headed down for breakfast. We had bacon, eggs, and toast. After breakfast, I got ready to work at the church. Steven and I worked on the lawn today. I did all the weed eating and Steven did most of the mowing. I did help with the mowing a few times because that is a big job. I got there at 9:30 A.M., and we finished around 1:15 P.M. After we had finished the lawn, I took a taxi to the junction and walked a half mile to the house.

When I got home, I ate some pasta and grilled chicken that Mrs. Angie had prepared. Everything was delicious!!! Once I had finished eating, I went up to my room, took a shower, and rested. I would have slept longer, but we had to be at the church at 5:00 P.M. to have a meeting with the wedding party. When we got to the church, not many people were there; so, we called Bro. Sammy, the groom, and asked when everyone would most likely arrive. He said most people would arrive after six. So, instead of waiting at the church, Bro. Ruckman and I went home quickly, and we were all able to eat supper. Once we had eaten, we all went back up to the church. Bro. Ruckman was able to go over some of the rules for the wedding, as some of the people in the wedding are not saved. We wanted to be sure they understood that this was God’s house and God’s property and that we should all treat it as such.

After we had finished going over everything, we started the church service. Several of the wedding party members stayed for the service. The song service was amazing; the kids were truly singing their hearts out. The kids were even well-behaved in church, which set a good example for the church and how we should act. The wedding party members were very impressed with how the kids sang and gave it their all.

If you would like to hear how well the kids sang, just watch this video!!!

After the service, I was able to chat with some of the kids and make some new friends while Bro. Ruckman and Mrs. Angie talked. After we had all finished talking, we headed home. We have to get to bed as early as possible because tomorrow we have to be at the court house to help make a wedding that occurred a week or two ago official. I need to be there because the groom has asked me to be the photographer because their photographer cannot make it. I am really excited to gain new experiences with my camera.

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