Bible Institue Orientation

Saturday, August 26, 2023

I was able to fall asleep before midnight!!! I was able to sleep well and wake up before eight o’clock:). After having a good night’s rest, I was ready to go for the day. I ate breakfast, and started the day by going with Bro. Ruckman and Dad to the store to get some supplies for the Bible Institute Orientation. We were able to get all the supplies and be back home by eleven.

Mom, Danny, and Bonnie stayed at the house with Mrs. Ruckman. They worked on laundry and making pizza dough for tonight’s supper.

We had a few minutes of rest, and then we ate lunch, which was very good, and headed out to the church for the orientation.

This is the new mall in Takoradi!!! It is huge.
Red Bull is about half the price it is in the U.S. It is $1.49 in U.S. dollar.

On our way to the orientation, we stopped at a local store to buy some water so that we could make coffee. After we had gotten the water, we met someone dad knew. His name was Tayo. After a few minutes of talking to him, we headed to the church. Once we had arrived at the church, we got the coffee and everything ready. The orientation was supposed to start at one, but several people were late, so we started at 1:30. Even though we started late, there were still a few people missing including one of the Institute teachers, Pastor Fred. Bro. Ruckman told us when Pastor Fred arrived, we would sing “You’re late because You’re late”. So when he got there, everyone turned around and sang to him. He took the song very well, and even began directing the choir:).

We had a pretty good crowd show up for the orientation!!!

During the orientation, Bro. Ruckman gave us a short message from the Bible. He only had three points, but they were very needed.

I signed up for nine Bible Institute classes. The classes will be on Tuesday afternoons and on Saturdays. With Fante lessons, institute classes, Bible club, and other ministry opportunities, I will have plenty to keep me busy.

When we were finished with the orientation, we all talked for a while. I was able to meet one of my teachers from ten years ago, and he told some stories that helped me remember Africa. After we had finished cleaning up, we headed home.

Bonnie was able to make a new friend.

When we arrived at the house, I began typing out all the applications for the Bible Institute. Bro. Ruckman was saying to the students that I was going to be his secretary. Although I am not very good at typing, I was able to get everything typed out and in order.

We had homemade pizza for supper. Then, the others played some games. I went to bed early with a bad headache; I will have to stay hydrated better in the future.

One response to “Bible Institue Orientation”

  1. Awesome journaling. Thanks for keeping us updated. Prayers for your family, friends, and all.