Men’s Conference and Sermon on the Radio

This morning, after I had gotten up and we had eaten breakfast, I started packing bags. I got two big duffle bags almost full; so, I am getting close to having everything in the bag. I packed until 11:00 A.M. until it was time to go to Cape Coast for a men’s conference.

We had great messages, meals, and fellowship. It was great to see many pastors and other men. Once Bro. Ruckman had preached his session, we had to get back to Takoradi pretty quickly so that Dad and I could eat supper before going to preach on the radio.

This was the first time Dad and I have done tag team preaching, and it was fun. Once we finished there, Bro. Harrison drove us back to the house.

I have just gotten cleaned up and am about to head to bed after a busy day. I only have 3 more nights to sleep in the bed I have slept in for the last almost year.

One response to “Men’s Conference and Sermon on the Radio”

  1. What a special day! Good Memories! We are getting excited for you to be home for a little while. Praying for your trip!