Another Good Sunday, March 24, 2024

Everything went pretty much as usual. I woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, then headed to church with the bus from Mpatado. We had a good morning service and Jr. church hour.

After church, we headed back to the house. We had a delicious lunch. Then, I worked on my sermon for later tonight. After working on that for a while, a few boys come over to the house for discipleship. Bro. Ruckman was not feeling so well; so, I did it for him. After they had left, I went up to my room and took a nap before heading back to church for choir. We had a good choir practice and were able to sing the song we have been practicing for the last three weeks.

I got the opportunity to preach tonight. After the service, we had the Lord’s Supper and then headed back to our house. When we got home, Mrs. Angie whipped up a quick and delicious meal. After supper, I headed up to my room, talked to mom for a while, and then headed off to sleep.

2 responses to “Another Good Sunday, March 24, 2024”

  1. Gilbert also got to teach the discipleship class since Brother Ruckman was not feeling well. I am excited about all of the opportunities Gilbert has had these past few months.

  2. I’m so glad that your day was relitively easy.
    I will be praying for The Ruckman’s.
    I’m REALLY GLAD that Sis Ruckman cooks good food. I think that you have taken a liking to the culture

    It want be long now until your back in Texas and your Church Family along with your Family will be excited about hearing YOUR STORIES like we all hear about your Mom and Dad’s adventures.
    ALWAYS Praying for you and Can’t wait to see what the day brings😀.

    Big Hug and God Bless