Another Day – Wednesday, March 20, 2024

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. After waking up, I read my Bible and got ready for the day. I went downstairs for some breakfast. I had some toast and two bananas.

After breakfast, I did a few things until Bro. Ruckman was ready to head out. We first went to the church. We were supposed to meet someone there, but that did not work out. So we chatted with Bro. Sammy for a while. Once we finished there, we headed over to the mall to get lunch. I also bought some thumb drives for some projects I am working on. Once we were done and had picked up our lunch, we headed back to the house.

After we had all eaten, I went up for my afternoon rest. The power went off at 3:00 P.M. I went downstairs to work on editing pictures from the wedding. I was able to finish editing one of the wedding’s pictures that I have gotten to take photos at, but now I am left with one more.

After a while of editing, we had supper. Once we had finished supper, we were able to run the generator while we took showers and got ready for church. Once we were all ready, we were out the door. A few minutes after we left the house, the power came back on. It was off from 2:41 P.M. to 6:45 P.M. We had a good church service.

After the service, we drove a few people to their homes, then headed home ourselves. Thankfully the power is still on. I am now in my room, and I have just gotten cleaned up. I am now about to head to sleep, as tomorrow we will be leaving the house bright and early for Bible Institute.

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