Another Busy Sunday

This morning, I got up, got ready, and started my walk to Mpatado. Once I got there, the kids were still getting ready to get on the bus. We waited for another thirty minutes, and the kids were just about ready; but, we were already late to church. 😬 Hopefully we can figure out a better way to get to the church on time. We ended up being about twenty minutes late, and Sunday school was well underway.

After getting all the kids to church, we had good services. During the Jr. church, a storm rolled in cooling everything down, which made all of the kids start shivering because the cool weather is cold to them. After a nice rain shower, everything felt nice for the rest of the day.

When we got home, I took a good nap. The WiFi at the house was not working because the power was out, and my cell data wasn’t working either for some reason. After a good nap, I got ready for church, walked to the junction, and got a taxi ride for the rest of the way. We were able to have a good choir practice and were able to sing the song we had been practicing for the last few weeks.

Prince preached tonight, and the service went well. After the service, we had a good time of fellowship with everyone. Once we were done, we took a couple home then drove to the house. Once we got home, we had a delicious supper. Just before we sat down to eat, the power went out. It has been off for an hour or so; so, it may be a long night. At least the rain brought in some cooler weather.