Bible Institute

This morning, I woke up, got ready, and studied for a little bit before going downstairs. Bro. Ruckman was fellowshipping with a missionary family who was staying with us. Instead of sticking around and visiting, I went back up to my room to continue my studying. After studying for a while, I went downstairs and had breakfast. The missionary family had left; so, all that was left was to get ready for the day and head to the church with the Ruckmans.

Once we got to the church, everything was set up for the classes. We had good lessons throughout the day. It was a very long day, going from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., but a good day. Once we had finished, we got things ready for church tomorrow and headed back to the house. Once we got home, we all took a much needed rest.

After resting for a while, Bro. Ruckman and I went to town to get some credits for the electricity. The line was very long; so while he waited, the neighbor boy and I walked across the street and got some pork to go with the leftovers we were having for supper. We had a good meal and parted ways for the evening.

I am now in my room finishing up the blog after a long, hot day. Once I am done, I am off to get cleaned up; then I will be heading to bed because tomorrow will be another busy Sunday.