Some Tooth Trouble

This morning, I woke up at 5:50 to the power being off again. This time, it was just the prepaid that was out; so, I got my pillow and blanket and moved to the living room. The living room is on a different electrical circuit than the upstairs; so I turned the ac on in the living room and was able to get a little more sleep in before it was time to get my day started. Once I got up, I ate breakfast and got ready for the day.

For the last two days, I have been having a severe pain anytime food or drink went over one tooth; so, today I decided it was time to go to the dentist. I asked mom and dad, and they thought that was definitely something I should do. So, I had Pastor Prince pick me up at 10:00 A.M. He was able to drive me to the mall, where the dentist was. I was not able to go in right away, but I was able to get an appointment scheduled for 3:00 P.M. Once we got the appointment scheduled, we went back to the house. Once we got there, we were both able to get some rest in, as we have both had some very rough nights with the power outages.

For lunch, I heated up some of the leftover pizza I had for both of us; then, I went up to my room for a rest. After a good nap, it was time to go to the dentist. We got there around 2:30, and they were able to start working on me around 2:50 P.M. They were able to find the problem, and thankfully they were able to solve the problem. I had a filling done before I came to Ghana. Something had gone wrong with that filling. So, they were able to put a new filling in that tooth. So far, I have felt no pain, but they said to wait a few days to see if anything changed.

Once I was done at the dentist, we were able to talk with the Kenneys and Harrisons for a few minutes. After that, we headed back to the house. Once I had been dropped off and had said goodbye to Pastor Prince, I went inside. I did not do much right away because I was still really numb. Once it got close to supper time, I made some little pizzas on English muffins, which were very good. While I was making supper, Pastor Dare and Mrs. Sally came to help get the house cleaned up before the Ruckmans get back tomorrow night. After I had eaten, I was able to help them with a few things; then, I headed up for the night.

I am now in my room. Pastor Dare and his wife have finished for the night and are planning to come back tomorrow sometime. I am about to head off to get cleaned up for the night. The power has gone off two nights in a row now for extended periods of time; so, I am really hoping it does not happen again tonight.

3 responses to “Some Tooth Trouble”

  1. Oh boy! Glad you got that tooth taken care of again. Hope all goes well with that. I know you will be glad the Ruckmans are going to be there soon. Have a great weekend! Love you!