I again woke up late this morning. I think staying up until after midnight then staying up the next night until after midnight has really messed up my sleep schedule. I am really going to try to get back onto a good morning routine. After I got up this morning, I got ready for the day. After getting ready, I made a nice breakfast. After we had finished our breakfast, we set up for Fante class.
We started class a little after 10:00 A.M. We had a good time learning. After Fante class, the Ruckmans, Bro. Sammy, and I set out to visit some of the church members. While we were out, we did some adventuring. We had a great time!!! While we were out, we were able to finally find a pig farm (thanks to the help of Bro. Sammy). Bro. Ruckman has been on a quest for weeks to find fresh pork. We were not able to get any today, but I am certain we will be getting some in the not too distant future.
Once we had dropped Bro. Sammy off, we headed back to the house. I was able to cool off and rest for a little while before supper. We had chicken sandwiches and French fries!!! Everything was delicious. After supper, we set up a table and chairs in the living room and played a game. Bro. Ruckman talked a big game before we started and ended up getting last place. All three of us were neck and neck the entire game, but I pulled out on top in the last round. I am definitely not being prideful or bragging, because the Bible says “Pride cometh before destruction…” After our game, we watched a tv show, then parted ways for the evening.
It is currently 9:50 P.M.; so, I am going to get cleaned up and try to be asleep by at least 11:00 P.M. I usually try to be asleep sooner than that, but I do not see that happening.
4 responses to “Fante and Adventures”
We had a great day! Punky said that her kids had never been to a ballgame. So, we packed up and went to Troup to watch Bonnie play volleyball and Danny play basketball. It was fun. All the games were good. The boys won. Thanks for sharing your day with us. We love you!
Cant get any fresher pork than that! We are going to butcher 2 pigs and a goat today. Ill send you photos of the fun.
Playing games is a good way to unwind after a busy day.