Thursday, December 28 – Day #3 of Camp

It has been a busy few days, but it has been fun. This morning, I woke up at 6:45. I then read my Bible and ate breakfast. After breakfast, I finished getting a few things together for the day.

We left the house at 7:50 A.M. and had a few errands to run on the way to the campground. We ended up getting to the church around 9:00, right on time.

We had great services and fun activities. We had one activity where we had to run all over the camp property doing challenges at different stations. When we finished with this activity, I was very hot and sweating non stop. (I mean, I did not stop sweating all day; but after the activity, I was sweating a lot more than usual.)

I then studied, memorized, and said verses. I was not able to finish, but I was able to memorize over thirty verses. After studying verses for a good while, we had supper. We had spaghetti and chicken. Over the last few days, I have had all of the Ghanaian meals, and I have loved every one of them.

After supper, we had a great evening service. It was a struggle to keep many kids awake, but I did the best I could.

We are now on the way back to the house. When I get there, I will definitely get cleaned up, but then I have several pictures and videos to copy to a thumb drive for Pastor Miguel. It is going to be a late night, but I hope I can complete the tasks quickly and without problem.